KitchenAid Spiralizer Core and Slice | Review

I had one inquiry when I saw this new connection for my blender - does it truly dice? My unwavering old detached sustenance processor functions admirably and accompanies numerous and fluctuated circles - they cut, they shred, they grind however they don't dice. Until the old apparatus shreds its last head of cabbage or finely grinds its last wedge of Parmesan cheddar I have no aim of searching for a substitution - however when I saw a commercial for this new blender connection my intention broke down.

My worry that it won't not execute as guaranteed made me purchase it at a major box home store that has three Bs in its name. I figured it would be less demanding to return it, if essential, as opposed to delivering it back to Amazon. With the occasions in transit timing appeared to be flawless - it would get a decent workout and ideally decrease my time and exertion in the kitchen, so I chose to make it my blessing to myself.

As anyone might expect the first thing I tried was the dicing circle and cutting edge - it takes two pieces to dice. The onions and potatoes I utilized were easily transformed into little squares simply under 33% of an inch in size (8 mm.) And, since this was the whole reason I obtained the connection I concede I screeched like a young lady, yet I didn't stop there - I tried alternate sharp edges and everything works fine.

I utilize a huge sustenance processor while canning in light of the fact that it drives through enormous amounts, yet for essential feast size needs, this gadget is great. Also, through its extraordinary sustenance push instrument, it even offers the capacity to process one carrot or a few stalks of celery at once - so the whole bolster tube does not should be stuffed full.

I purchased this connection to oblige the nourishment processor connection (sold independently.) Wow - I can't accept how rapidly I can make crisp fruit purée. I stew quartered apples - seeds, centers, peels, and all - until delicate, then send them through the strainer. In minutes, I have new, hot fruit purée. The deny is removed through the end and into another dish, so you never need to stress over all that peeling and coring.

Tomato sauce? Pretty much as simple. New quartered tomatoes go in one end; the juice/mash and the seeds turn out independently. After that, it's just a matter of cooking the sauce down.

The strainer is an incredible expansion to my kitchen

Amazon : KitchenAid KSM1APC Spiralizer Attachment with Peel, Core and Slice $ 84.95